Monday, June 30, 2008

The Home Stretch

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a scathing blog that vented about everything wrong with the world today. It was so bad that I had all kinds of warnings to preface the blog. "If you will judge me for bitching - STOP HERE!" I had to vent. Writing that blog was a therapeutic necessity. What happened to that blog, you ask? Well, I actually wrote it in Microsoft Word rather than straight into the blog, and would you know? I pressed the big X in the upper right hand corner, and without thinking, said NO to saving it. $^%(&$^!!!!!!!! I suppose it's best that way. Here's a brief synopsis, in case you are still curious: Men are idiots, women are bitches and everyone I seem to come in contact with has the mental capacity of a toddler. I can have a better conversation with my 2 and a 1/2 year old nephew than most folks. So played out, right? Right. Thank goodness for small miracles and brainless deletions.

Although my stance on these issues remain somewhat static, I have a slightly lighter felling about everything. I feel as though I'm finally on the home stretch and ready to be done with the negative "phase" of this year. It's a terrible feeling to be so negative. I'm over it.

My motor is being delivered tomorrow and Ryan will replace the old with the new - YAY - and I might ACTUALLY get to drive my own vehicle again before August!! *FINGERS CROSSED*

Last week my friend Cynthia left for Europe and I couldn't be more excited for her! She asked me when she first had the idea if I thought she was crazy and I told her - HECK NO! If I could swing it, I totally would! Here's some pics from our bon voyage celebration: The first is of me & Cyn and the second is me, Jordan and Cynthia. I love these girls so much!!

One last thought for the evening: I hate when people lie to you and think you don't know that they are lying - and the worst part is when it's over something trivial. I'M SO OVER IT!!

Saturday, June 7, 2008


I don't want to get into the nitty gritty details right now, because I've had enough of the details the past couple of days, and I need a break. However, I will tell you that this has been one of the MOST ANNOYING weeks of my life. I have no vehicle - it's currently in limbo in the parking lot at Earnhardt Mazda in Chandler. More on that later. I am VERY lucky to have such a generous boss that is lending me the company van until my car gets fixed. For this, I don't know how I could ever express my gratitude. So for the time being, I'm driving a sweet 15-passenger van wrapped in graphics. I can't fend the boys off fast enough.

I'm currently reading You're So Money by Farnoosh Torabi. Lovin' it. Wish I started reading it like five years ago.

I have been sick to my stomach for a week now. NO I AM NOT PREGNANT!! I can prove it!

I'm too exhausted for anything else at the moment. I apologize for the excessive lack of blogenergy lately.