Monday, March 24, 2008


I know this blog should technically contain an update on what has been going on in my life, but that's all going to have to wait. Sorry, people. There is important business to discuss. THE HILLS IS BACK! If you have not watched the episode yet, stop reading this blog immediately and go to to watch and then come back and read the rest.

Thoughts & Observations in the form of bullet points:

- ShePratt's back and boy is she a WITCH! To her own BROTHER, no less!!
- Holy Plastic Heidi. WOW. I can't even look at her without trying to figure out all of the things that she did. Nose job, boob job, now COLLAGEN INJECTIONS?? What the hell is next? Calf implants?!
- How jealous am I that, not only are Whitney and Lauren in Paris, but Lauren's got the skills to just whip in a stitch in an expensive ball gown to make it into a cocktail dress??
- Did anyone else get the impression that those band members were lookin fairly chesterish?
- I can't WAIT for Stephen to come back! I've been wondering why they don't talk. Could it have been that Hayden was a wee bit threatened?? Hmm??

It's really quite sick how much pleasure I get from watching this show.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Steve uploaded this video of Anika dying Easter eggs on YouTube, so I have to post it. My favorite is the twinkling of the stars :)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

It's 3:45am..

...and I can't sleep. But finally I can't sleep out of excitement, rather than pure anxiety. So I decided to blog for a minute before trying to take a "nap" again before my alarm goes off. For those of you that haven't spoken to me in the past couple of days - I made a big decision yesterday! I'm leaving my current position to take a position at iMortgage. Risky move? The more I think about it and talk to people, the more I think it's not as big of a risk as I initially thought. The economy blows right now, and in turn the mortgage business isn't doing so hot. HOWEVER, I think that getting into the business at the right company and for the right people, this could be an amazing time to enter. I will be going to work for Carlie's dad, Bill. When I talked to Bill on Monday, he mentioned something that I find very true. I'm entering the industry at a time where I will have a chance to learn all of the ins and outs of the business. This is an advantage because I will have the opportunity to become really great at anything that I do there, because I would know the whole business, rather than just parts. And as Bill said, at this point, there would be nowhere to go but up.

So now that I've made my final decision, I'm totally pumped. In a few hours I will give my notice at my current position. I'll let you know how that goes.

OH! And P.S.! I'm also super excited because one of my daily duties will be to update Bill's blog. :) I will post a link when it becomes available - stay tuned.

Monday, March 17, 2008

I Love SNL

This made me just about pee my pants. This is hilarious regardless of your political views. Check it!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Updates Through Pictures

With all that has been going on, I haven't had much time to blog. But I did want you to know that I have not neglected the ole blogaroo. So I thought I'd add a little slideshow to give you a glimpse into what I've been up to until I can delve into writing an actual full blown blog.

Included are pictures pre-Foo Fighters show, lots of Reagan from the day we went to Gabe's soccer game - he was Player of the Game (woot, woot!) Go Bub! A couple from the beautiful sights at the Scottsdale Arts Festival and a few of Jonathan. Hope you enjoy!

Things I'm looking forward to: The grand opening of our new store being OVER, another 2 year old Sunday Funday, a much needed haircut, and my next honey latte from Starbucks.