Thursday, September 4, 2008

My Favorite Zip Code BACK!!!!! That's right, folks. I've waited 8 years to be able to say it, and the time has come! 90210 is back on the airwaves! (How do I know it's been 8 years, you ask? Oh, that would be because the night of the BH 90210 season finale fell on my 18th birthday, and incidentally, my last day of high school... Most kids would go out with their friends and party, right? Not me! All I wanted was 2 hours of peace so I could watch David & Donna's wedding, and then another hour or two to mourn the end of my all-time favorite show and wish that one day, it would come back to life.) I couldn't be happier. I am the ULTIMATE 90210 geek. I could totally smack down the competition in a 90210 trivia game. In fact, I think all through college it was like an on-going "thing" among my friends Missy, Mikey and myself to compete for who knows the show best. I guarantee that each of us has seen every episode at least a half a dozen times. Perhaps this isn't something to brag about, but I'm proud of this geeky obsession. I loved every PART of this show. Jennie Garth is my idol.

I'm happy to report that I watched the new series premiere this week and L-O-V-E-D it! However, I realize that age must really be settling in, because I found myself more curious about the adult story line than the kids. Whatever, I'm just glad that I have OTH and 90210 to help me escape from my own reality for an hour each week. There's something comforting about knowing that I can get lost in these shows each week. Geez, how pathetic am I?