Sunday, May 11, 2008

Do I still have a blog??

So I see that this URL still exists, but have I lost all my readers? Sorry folks. I have been on blog hiatus for a) lack of energy and b) lack of time. Mostly lack of energy though - and when I say lack of energy, I may as well tell it like it really is - sheer laziness. When I HAVE sat down to write a blog in the past month, my brain has been pure mush and I felt like all I would do is write something dumb, so I just didn't write anything at all. I promise to get better.


1. New job - it rocks. I'm loving it. I love the challenge of learning new things and i love even more that no day is the same. I've learned SO much. Each day I'm exhausted at the end of the day - but in the best possible way. And can i just tell you how much the past month has FLOWN by? SO crazy. Plus, I work with some of my best friends - how bad can that be?

2. New 2nd job - I'm selling jewelry. I let people talk me into doing it because they say I'd be good at it...I never thought I'd ever do something like this, but part of me is kind of excited. I've already gotten a whole wardrobe full of jewelery (that I EARNED!) and it's kind of changed my life. I don't walk out of the house without it now - SO weird. Besides that, it's also a new income opportunity. My first jewelry party is on Tuesday night. Check back.

3. New Realization - I'm totally NOT 21 anymore. I went out a couple of weeks ago with my friend Jordan and we played bar's this little bar-hopping game where you have a score card with you at all times, and much like golf, at each hole - or bar - you have to give yourself a score. Next to each bar is the name of a drink. If you drink the drink listed, then you are PAR for the course. If you have an ADDITIONAL drink, then you get a -1. If you choose to NOT take a drink at that bar, then you have to add +1. The person with the lowest score wins. I think I at least tied with the lowest score. What did I win? A RIDE HOME & A MASSIVE HANGOVER. Truthfully, it was a night full of tons of fun, and I really should have been doing a lot of puking, but I did not. I woke up the next morning at 7am, fully clothed, lying sideways on my bed, with my keys in one hand and my cell phone (open, no less) in my other hand. Then as I was starting to "come to" and figure out what was going on, I also realized that there was a bag of Jack in the Box next to me and a full drink sitting on the counter that I hadn't even touched. I had come home and LITERALLY passed out. While getting ready for the company picnic, on the hottest day of the year so far, I repeated the mantra over and over in my head - I am NOT 21 anymore. I am NOT 21 anymore. I am NOT 21 anymore. What was I thinking?!

4. New Hair Color - not sure that I necessarily "love" it, but I needed a change and I didn't want to cut it. Unfortunately I decided to save money and rather than go to just go to Carissa and have her do my color, I decided to attempt it on my own. HOLY TRAUMATIC EXPERIENCE. 3 boxes of hair color, more money than I had set out to spend, and some tears later - my hair is now dark brown. Yep.

Well that's the low-down on the life of me for now. Check back soon, I promise to be better.

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