Thursday, January 17, 2008

Eat, Pray, Love

Here's the thing. I was at Target a few nights ago picking up a few household neccessities. That's right - I had officially waited too long to replenish my paper products and was resorting to using napkins for everything - and I mean EVERYTHING. Hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. And frankly, I kept forgetting to put Kleenex and toilet paper on my shopping lists. SO not the point. Anyway... I am always lured into the book section of Target. I'm not sure why, because it's not like they carry a vast array of items to choose from, nor is it different from week to week. Nonetheless, I find myself drawn in everytime I enter the store. Part of me gets excited by the ginormous selection of Rachael Ray books - I think they have them all - and everytime I think, "wow, not even B&N has this wonderful a selection of RR." I have all but two of them, if you were wondering. I'm missing Just In Time, which is her latest, and one of the original ones that has escaped me at the moment. The other part of me gets excited by the pretty brightly colored books - marketing genius! Like I say - I'm lured in EVERY SINGLE TIME.

I've been seeing a particular book all over the end caps in every Target location that I've been to recently. (I like to visit Targets all over the Valley because if I don't, I feel I might be missing out I guess.) The book Eat, Pray, Love has caught my eye several times, and I think I picked it up and read the passage on the back at least three times and thought "I should not spend money on a book right now, I should go to the library" and put it back on the shelf. But for some reason this book screams my name each time. So Monday night, I decided that it must be some sort of sign. Not realizing how this book would scruitinize my time, I picked it up off the shelf, took it to the register and bought it. I got home, put away the paper products in their respective homes, took out my contacts, changed into my jammies, sat in my easy chair, and began reading my new book. Before I knew it, it was 11:30, I was holding my eyelids up because I didn't want to put my book down. Low and behold I convinced myself that I would NOT get up in the morning if I did not put that book down immediately - and even then, it's a crapshoot with me! (SO not a morning person...except on the weekends, when I inevitably wake up at 6am bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Pisses me RIGHT off... Murphy's Law, I suppose?)

I have become engrossed with this book, and will be done by the end of weekend, no doubt. First of all - don't let the title intimidate you. Yes, I believe in God, but you don't have to be spiritual to appreciate what this author has gone through. After falling completely in love with this book, I have found that Oprah's Book Club apparantly shares in my fondness. Check out the site. There is even a section that allows you to read the first few pages. That's all I ask.

More to come... I'm off to my chair to indulge in some quality EPL time!

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