Friday, January 25, 2008


Oh how happy I am that it's Friday! It hasn't been a particularly bad or annoying week - it has just been busy, and well, there was a full moon and that always seems to add length and intensity to any week! All week I have been meaning to do a post, and I'm just now getting around to it. I hope that this weekend is as fun as last weekend ended up being - completely unexpectedly, I might add! Come last Friday, I was thinking I was going to have a boring, mopey weekend, because frankly, that's how I was feeling myself! But Friday afternoon as I was leaving the parking lot at work, Rosemary called and asked if I would meet them at the parking lot of Benihana, rather than their house so that Steve could spend more time with Anika before they go out since he had been on a business trip all week. I agreed, then realized that she wasn't asking me to pick Anika up from the parking lot, she was inviting me to have dinner with them! That was kind of a nice invitation, although I started feeling as though I should probably call her and ask if she wanted me to just come later so they could have family time when Jen calls me and says that she and Jonathan would be joining us also! How fun! Wait... not just one, but TWO 2-year olds at Benihana?? I thought, 'oh this should be interesting... I know how Jonathan is at dinner time - ESPECIALLY when his mom is around!' And would you know? The kids totally behaved and we had a blast. After dinner I went back to Steve & Rosemary's and they went out and I put Anika to bed.

Saturday morning I decided that I would take advantage of the AM Cinema @ AMC - only $5, people! I went and saw the movie 27 Dresses. Heather's review was completely accurate - totally predictable, but cute nonetheless. When I got out of the theater, I checked my messages and there was one from Mike inviting me out to San Felipe's for his birthday. I made a phone call to Paige for emergency wingman services and she willingly agreed to help me out. So I hung out with Jonathan in the evening and endured a TTT (terrible two tantrum) and made my way to Felipe's when Jen got home.

I felt like I was going to throw up all day - gotta love the nerves - but everything worked out splendidly and we all had a blast! We ran into people we knew and it ended up being a really great night... despite my friend Kassidy stealing my cab at the end of the night!

All in all, the weekend was a success...

Mom celebrated her birthday on Wednesday and Heather's birthday is this weekend! (Happy Birthday, Heather!) Phew - January is a busy birthday month in my calendar!

Tonight we're having a sukiyaki dinner at Rosemary's which I'm pretty psyched about! Other than that, should be a pretty chill weekend...

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