Monday, January 14, 2008

Mission Statement

Well... After a week filled with lots of thoughts about where I am, where I want to be, and the general cycle of life all around me I have vowed to myself that I will really start LIVING each day. For several months now, I've just kind of been "getting by." I think in large part, the reasoning for that is because I became paralyzed with fear. No, I'm not a scaredy cat - but sometimes the "what if's" in life out do the living part. I tend to let that happen during certain times in my life. In the past week, I have made a lot of committments (to myself AND to others) to better my life. I really need to hold myself accountable... something that I excel at in the business world with my day-to-day job, but something I'm not so great at in my personal life.

Commitment #1: I have made a pact with my "Crazy Sister" - her term - to communicate in SOME form when I am having a 'day'. She agreed to do the same. Meaning is two-fold... a) we are letting someone else know that we are having a difficult time and b) we are acknowledging with ourselves the way we are feeling.

Commitment #2: Do my laundry regularly - from start to finish. If you know me, you know I hate hate HATE laundry. I don't know why, but I always have.

Commitment #3: Revisit my mission statment that I wrote last year in my 7 Habits class and think of tangible ways to live my mission and recognize areas of my life that I am not living it.

Along with commitment #3, and a little bit of commitment #1, I also feel that it's only fair that I share my personal mission statement, since I'm on this whole accoutability kick. So - here it is:
  • I am committed to living and loving authentically.
  • I intend to pursue continual personal growth to foster a better understanding of myself and the world around me.
  • I will enthusiastically serve my family and friends, enlisting love, compassion and understanding as my guides.
  • I will always nurture my relationship with, and continue to increase my knowledge of God on intellectual, emotional and spiritual levels.
  • I will practice forgiveness of others and of myself so that I may live without regret.
  • I will continue to be inspired by others in hopes that one day I might inspire.

Here's to a new week!

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