Tuesday, February 12, 2008

KooKooRoo & Another GP Too

So I have this other guilty pleasure... well, it's more of a secret guilty pleasure... and I hesitate to call it a guilty pleasure, as that may provoke the wrong emotions. Especially given my current state of distress, I enjoy escaping my own realities by indulging in others'. Seems easier that way, right? That's where my love for reality TV comes in. The Hills, anyone? A few months ago I came across The Ross Blog - it's a combo video/written blog by Ross Matthews aka Ross The Intern from The Tonight Show. Ok, so before you fill your heads with all sorts of judgements regarding my sanity - hear me out. Putting aside his often-obnoxious squeals, and his always-flaming personality, I get a total kick out of this guy. He's HONEST. What more could you ask for? He has a couple of posts regarding the restaurant KooKooRoo that absolutely cracked me up and made me laugh out loud. Here's the thing... he says the things that we are all THINKING. If you get a chance, and have some patience and possibly the ability to filter the high pitched notes out of his voice, I highly recommend that you check it out.

I would like to note... KooKooRoo is a fast food restaurant in LA. They pride themselves on being healthy - which it totally is. It's the ultimate post-gym meal, for sure. It's totally LA. I had the pleasure of dining at their Beverly Hills location on Beverly Drive in November on my 24 hour passport adventure. Which, incidently, didn't even get a Mexican stamp to show for the work I went through for the damn thing! Lame. Anyway - I had the chicken ceasar from KooKooRoo and it freakin rocked my world. I have been craving that salad every day since.

It should also be stated that KooKooRoo is where the superbuff personal trainer gave me his card and told me I was one of the most beautiful women he'd ever seen... which I'm still convinced was his line for, "I'm a personal trainer and you look like you could use one. Give me a call and if you shell out thousands of dollars, I MIGHT be able to whip you into shape." In his defense, he DID ask me if I wanted to go to dinner and suggested if I'm ever in LA again that I should look him up. If YOU are ever in LA, check out KooKooRoo - and maybe I'll get you in touch with Jeff the trainer ;)


JoeyfromSC said...

YAheee, you found Rossland!:) LOL
Have you joined the official fanclub! I run his fanclub on myspace!!:)
Go here:

Nice blog you have!:)

YOU MUST watch his talky today with Suzanne Whang! OMG amazing!;)nrfakyrl

JoeyfromSC said...


There ya go;)easier! LOL

Happy Valentine's day!