Sunday, February 10, 2008

My Newest Guilty Pleasure

So for Christmas, Rosemary gave me a little gift set from Bath & Body Works that contained a mini bottle of shower gel, a mini bottle of body spray, and this lip gloss. It's called Cinnamint Mentha Lip Shine. Here's an exact quote from the tube, "Our Cinnamon and Mint-infused lip balm provides a glossy high shine with a refreshing cooling sensation. Lips stay moist and protected while Cinnamon and Peppermint oil give long lasting freshness." I couldn't have said it better myself. Me? A girlie girl? Notsomuch. I'm always forgetting to do things that most girls live to do like - lotion regularly, put jewelry on, and even put lip gloss on. This lip balm has completely reformed me...when it comes to lip gloss, anyway. I totally dig it. I have used it every day since I got it. It even replaces the need for breath mints or gum. It gives you the right pick-me-up right before a meeting at work, or out on the town. It's my newest guilty pleasure - right up there with reality TV :)

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